#6 TheMajorArc
Things that matter to us in our work, technology, cities, or anything in our periphery. Let's revalidate our wardrobe.
Welcome to issue #6 TMA.
We cover product vision, word-of-mouth, how people navigation the web, and a bit of mathematics. Enjoy!
01. Tech Tech
What inspires product-market fit
Our core purpose of doing the product-market Fit is to find a set of potential customers who are willing to validate our product and work with us through the feedback loop.
But what inspires product-market fit? What are we trying to realize in this entire exercise of doing product-market fit?
This is product vision, as Marty Cagan says in his recent post on product visions. Marty shares a few examples, including this one Asana.
See Marty’s post where he adds:
A good product vision provides the engineering organization with enough clarity about what’s coming in the next several years so they can ensure they have in place an architecture that can serve the need.
The product vision, combined with the annual company objectives, drives the product strategy.
Word of mouth
There are so many essays and studies on customer acquisition studies, for the science and the channels for timing, personalization, and context. However, I have not seen many that explain how to leverage word of mouth, strategically and systematically.
How would you track or measure word-of-mouth because it happens offline? How can you plan surveys or research to have data on customer-sentiment in the loop?
Reforge published a post on How to systematically measure and drive Word of Mouth acquisition.
Read the complete post on Reforge.
Tech Tweet
In my first job, I admired my project manager for her approach to our work. Later in my second and third jobs, my judgment of whom I admired had changed though there were people whom I would love to talk about products or design.
Years later when I would get emails from beginners that they admired my work, I would wonder if there was something special in my work or in my approach to the work. I am still figuring out so many things.
This tweet sums up this cycle in minimum words.
Tech Delight
GoPro inside a car? I do not want to comment on the authenticity of the video but the scene caught my eye.
PS: Imagine how the CTA feels inside a button when our users click on Sign Up, or Pay, or Renew, or Cancel?
02. Closer in Life
Teaching Maths to kids
While teaching ratio and proportion to my 9yo son a few days back, I took out his toys and set up a race among toy cars on the floor. We assigned meter units at equal distances on one side and miles on another side so that he measures the distance by the same car in two different units. In our conversations, the distance between the car in meters sounds far less when compared to the distance when seen in miles.
I use the same concepts in my product team meetings too where the engineers and designers get a feel of the impact of our decisions in ratio and in proportion to something smaller as well as bigger.
I found this tweet just in time to help me explain similar concepts to my son and in my team meetings.
![Twitter avatar for @MrHonner](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/MrHonner.jpg)
03. Open Tabs
A few select readings from around the world:
Calendar: The CEO with an Empty Calendar (by Dan Shipper)
Navigation on the web: How people navigate on the web? (by NNGroup)
New Stuff
Unscreen to remove video background? Yes, you guessed it. I found it on Product Hunt, watch it below.
I hope you enjoy this issue. Any feedback or comments, please write to me anytime.