#3 TheMajorArc
Things that matter to us in our work, technology, cities, or anything in our periphery. Let's revalidate our wardrobe.
Welcome to issue #3 TMA. The message is in the headlines but so much of meaning is lost between the lines. The issue includes readings in:
01 Tech Tech
02 Closer in Life
03 Our House Numbers
04 Open Browner Tabs
01. Tech Tech
The Headwind/Tailwind Spectrum
We see the Covid-19 impact where some products are experiencing extreme headwinds or tailwinds, and a few others are oscillating somewhere in between. It also defines your organization’s retention strategy.
“If Covid ended tomorrow, how many of your users would sustain vs churn?”
Brian Balfour and his team at Reforge share great thoughts on customers and growth strategy in Covid-19 - “Customer behavior literally changed overnight. As a result, many businesses saw wild swings in their quantitative retention measures, which were the outputs from changes in psychological and logistical inputs.”
Read the complete story on Reforge.
Tech Tweet
If we can use our phone and desktop for a single digital goal, we call it omnichannel? Not really. Omnichannel is deep and when Sehaj Singh applauded Lenskart for their omnichannel experience in a tweet, I spent ten minutes to shop for eyeglasses and saw the chinks.
My friend Noz Urbina knows omnichannel inside out. He owns a very successful conference (conference), and you can write to me for an introduction to Noz if you have a specific use case to know more about omnichannel.
Tech Enablement
Consumer behavior for online shopping is changing. Fabric published a report recently that shows that 92 percent of consumers want same-day delivery or pickup. If this service is not offered, the report further shows that 65 percent of the consumers might switch to other retailers.
Why the battle between sales and fulfillment will redefine the physical store.
Melissa Gonzalez, CEO of The Lionesque Group says, “As order volumes vary, the allocation of square footage between the front-of-house and back-of-house will be required to seamlessly flex, morphing so that stores can accommodate and support the journey of a package as much as it does the journey of the customer.”
Tech Punch: 👁👄👁
It is what it is.
I saw a new mysterious invite-only app on Twitter and it promised access if people donate to social justice charities. Later it was found that the app does not exist as it was a satire-driven punch to the silicon valley who is sometimes obsessed with building the invite-only streams.
They raised over $65,000 in donations from people who signed up for our email list. Two anonymous donors have agreed to match the first $60,000 and $75,000, bringing the total to $200,000. the battle between sales and fulfillment will redefine the physical store.
02. Closer in Life
A Concert for Plants in Barcelona
This is one of the most heartening and delightful news that I could hear in the last few days. The Gran Teatre del Liceu opera house in Barcelona had their first concert in months this week, and the crowd of 2,292 potted plants swayed gently to ‘Crisantemi’ by Puccini.
At the end of the eight-minute concert, the sound of leaves and branches blowing in the wind resonated throughout the opera house like applause.
It CANNOT get any beautiful than this.
Our Sports Stadiums
Imagine your favorite players are up for a game in your city and you cannot go and watch it because of Covid-19 restrictions!
Now imagine if you see your face in a chair in the stadium.
“Unable to attend games in person, diehard fans are ponying up $20 to $30 to have their photos printed out and affixed to the seats at Korean baseball games, German soccer matches, and more.”
“It’s a physical encapsulation of the city’s resilience through the pandemic.” (Read the story on Hustle.)
03. 20-B. 1889. GH-202.
Our House Numbers
Dan Kois is an editor and writer at Slate, and they walked All 1,114 Blocks of their ZIP Code Just to Catalog How People Style Their House Numbers!
Address numbers can be gloriously idiosyncratic, as homeowners search for ways to express their individuality, style, class, and/or taste.
Dan shares the Google Map view and adds - “Blocks in which 25 to 49 percent of houses have sans serif addresses are orange. The very few blocks in which sans serif houses equal or outnumber serif houses are red.”
(Read the fascinating story on Slate.)
04. Open Tabs
A few select readings from around the world:
The topologist's map of the world, a map showing international borders, and nothing else (Reddit)
What phrases are your kryptonite/Achilles heel? The product peeps should love this discussion on Twitter (by John Cutler)
The co-creator of Flow State explains what happens when you put your entire life in bullet points. (Superorganizers)
I hope you enjoy this issue. Any feedback or comments, please write to me anytime.